A foundher. five to help you rest, reset and revitalise over Summer


As the warmer season unfolds, with its vibrant energy and longer days, it's the perfect time to shake up your rituals, rhythms and routines, and infuse your life with renewed intention and higher levels of consciousness.

Drawing on the latest in developmental coaching inquiry, neuroscience, and high-performance leadership, we've crafted these five essential tips for helping you to reset, revitalise, and maximise your recharge during the sun-filled months.


Each of us is part of a much bigger set of social, economic, celestial, and environmental systems, or as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin puts it: ‘we are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.’ 

And whether we realise it or not, the very cadence of each season here on Earth gives us an unparalleled opportunity to adapt, evolve, and embrace the cyclical nature of life itself. We’re not one to miss an opportunity, and we imagine if you’re here reading this, neither are you.

As the Earth rotates, and the warmer months bring their unique rhythm and season, it’s time to pay attention not only to the environment around us, but also to our internal weather systems. 

This time of year, in particular, we are nudged into an awakening of our senses; promoting greater connection to our ecosystem and the role we play in it. And much like the nature around us, we are invited to expand and vibrate at a higher frequency.

In our modern world, we have fallen into a place where DOING has eclipsed BEING. It’s a place where we’re constantly in high Beta, pumped full of adrenaline and anxiety that should be reserved for a threat response. 

We've transposed staying safe from *actual* tigers to being scared of inboxes, and avoiding challenging conversations at all costs. Many of us are now even far more comfortable hibernating in the cave all year round, rather than warming up to adventure, change and growth, as the world around us does the same.

At foundher., we support high-performing leaders and purpose-driven entrepreneurs to be far more intentional about when and what to ‘do’, and when and how to ‘be’. As such, the shift in seasons is nature’s reminder to get present to what is, not to run auto-pilot habits all year long. 

In the same way that nature cycles through phases of growth, harvest, wither, and renewal, so too can our high-performance rituals, rhythms and routines. 

Deeply rooted in both historical practices and modern scientific understanding, here are five ways to recalibrate our habits and harmonise with Summer's tempo, to create a foundation for more sustainable and seasonal ways of doing and being.


Our circadian rhythms, mood, and cognitive functions are significantly impacted by seasonal changes. And these shifts in daily rhythms are prominent in everything from sleep/wake cycles, body temperature, hormone levels, and even cognition, attention and mood (Bunney and Bunney, 2000; Reppert and Weaver, 2001). 

Rhythms acknowledge that every day is different — whether it’s our feelings, how we make sense of what’s happening around us, or the actual tasks we *do*. That’s why, in order to rewrite what modern high performance looks like, we need to adjust to the conditions, rather than getting stuck hurtling along in fifth gear and operating at the same level of overdrive, regardless of what’s going on around us. 

Right now, and be honest — are you BEING present enough to adjust your daily routines to this new season? Or are you doing things the same way you did them in Spring, Autumn and Winter?

By thoughtfully modifying our daily doing and being in alignment with Summer's vibrant (and more demanding) energy, we not only honour this ancient wisdom but also optimise our contemporary lives for peak performance and joy.

💡TIP: Leaning into your unique rhythms allows you to find regular moments to re-energise, without feeling guilty. Spend a moment with yourself. Take out a piece of paper and write down what an ‘ideal Summer day’ looks like to you. Where are the moments of rest, or recharge, of fun, joy, learning, and growth? And how much is your inner chatter (aka your comfort zone) already telling you that you ‘don’t have time’, or that ‘it’s not possible’? That’s a little flag right there that you are stuck on autopilot.

Now, with a sense of what good looks like for you, how can you start to incorporate some of these elements into your daily, weekly and seasonal rhythm for the months ahead? The power is in doing small things, with consistency and intention, that will help you recharge and establish a more sustainable pace over time.


Neuroscience shows that our brains thrive on routines. We also know that the foundation of inclusive, and sustainable leadership means having a set of self-authored daily routines that support sustainable living and continued thriving.

A routine provides the supportive scaffolding for your everyday. Intentionally crafting a daily routine that is specific to Summer — rather than defaulting to autopilot and just ‘keeping on doing’ what you normally do — can be incredibly powerful for unlocking your version of sustainable high performance. 

For example, Summer's bright light can boost serotonin levels, enhance mood and energy, making it an ideal time for more active, engaging, even outside routines. What does this mean for your own morning routine? How can you take full advantage of what this season offers so you can design yourself into your life, not out of it? 

💡TIP: Start your day with a mindfulness practice or light exercise to awaken your body and mind, and end your day with a digital detox routine to ensure better quality sleep. These small changes can lead to improved mood, better decision-making, and enhanced creativity. Creating a modified Summer routine helps keep you centred and supports you to set healthy boundaries for yourself, your work and your relationships.


“Mother nature provides. She knows what is needed when, and so following what foods are produced in each season gives us the nutrients, vitamins and the defence support we need.” — A beautiful reminder from our Reset YOU retreat partner, Tash, from Burbury Whole Foods 

Alongside hydration, nourishing our bodies is a crucial element of high performance, and thankfully Summer offers an abundance of fresh, nutrient-rich and in-season foods that can naturally boost our energy levels and cognitive function. 

There are many reasons why a seasonal approach to nourishing our body (and mind) is a good idea, according to ecological educators, Sustainable Table

“Out-of-season foods (like tomatoes in winter, for instance) have been grown in artificial conditions, or grown far away, picked prematurely and transported long distances to get to your local shops. This significantly increases their environmental footprint. Also, when we eat foods out of season, we miss out on eating food at its prime – when it tastes best and has a higher nutritional value. Food in season is also cheaper as it is usually plentiful and fewer resources have gone into growing it.” — Sustainable Table (10 Actions You Can Take to Live More Sustainably)

💡TIP: If you’re unsure about what is in season right now, you can download Sustainable Table’s Seasonal Produce Guide for free. They have also created a first-of-its-kind Australian Regenerative Food and Farming Map to help catalyse the transformation of food and farming systems around the country. Be sure to check it out!

[IMAGE - Photo by Dixit Dhinakaran on Unsplash]


Self-awareness is a modern leader’s superpower, and particularly when Summer coincides with the new calendar year (as it does in the Southern Hemisphere), it provides the perfect opportunity to reflect on the goals, achievements, and areas you’d like to take more concerted action. 

One way to do this is with the 10/10 exercisea quick audit of 10 areas of your life to see how you are feeling and what you want to improve from financial freedom to emotional health. 

The goal is *not* to score 10/10 in every area. The goal is to identify which areas to make changes that are meaningful and sustainable for YOU, depending on where you’re at right here, right now. It’s about creating and building your self-awareness muscle so that you can experiment with small shifts to see what creates the greatest change. 

💡TIP: Pick up a pen and rate your level of satisfaction out of 10 right now in these 10 areas of your life (10 being ‘fully aligned with my highest self’): 

  • Physical health and wellbeing

  • Mental health and wellbeing

  • Emotional health and wellbeing

  • Financial health and wellbeing

  • Love and partnerships

  • Family and friends

  • Alignment to purpose/mission

  • Adventure and learning

  • Sensuality and spirituality

  • Generosity and service

How would you rate each of these areas of your life at this moment, now that it’s Summer (because it might be different to what it looks like in other seasons)? 

Can you meet what you find with curiosity, not judgement? Once you’ve done that, choose three that jump out at you as most in need of attention. Then come up with one small step you can take to increase that number marginally or substantially.


Many of us are keeping up an unsustainable pace out of fear of what happens when we slow down. Because while the hustle is hard, slowing down can be harder. But the reality is that over time — our nervous system gets used to this fast pace and can become stuck in this way of operating. 

When we hit ‘battery low’, we might take some time off over Summer, do some yoga and meditation, eat yummy food, and return feeling refreshed-ish. And these are all amazing. That is, until our regular habits and routines come calling and we’re back to our old ways of surviving on autopilot.


  1. Neuroplasticity Under Stress:

    The human nervous system is remarkably adaptable, which allows us to learn and grow. Rather unhelpfully though, it also means that in our fast-paced, high-stress modern society, our nervous systems are in constant operation (almost as if the ‘off switch’ has left the building). Prolonged exposure to stress can lead to changes in the brain, particularly in the areas responsible for memory, emotion regulation, and executive function. Over time, this can result in increased susceptibility to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Neuroplasticity helps us set new neural pathways and redefine our ways of operating (think: highways in your mind, where the more you travel on them the bigger they get). We need to be increasingly mindful of the super-highways we’re creating for ourselves.

  2. Constant Stimulation = Only Burnout: In today's world, we are bombarded with continuous stimulation, from the persistent pings of smartphones to the 24/7 news cycle. Our nervous systems, which were designed to handle intermittent stressors, are now under constant siege. This relentless stimulation can lead to sensory overload and can exhaust the brain's ability to process information effectively. The result can be reduced attention span, increased anxiety, and difficulties with concentration and memory. Our job is to be aware of this, and to develop and hone rituals and practices to support homeostasis, or a way of ‘returning to home base’. Instead of becoming ‘hyper-focused’ or stuck on what’s happening ‘out there’, we can cultivate the ability to set our state from within.

  3. Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn Responses in Modern Settings:

    The sympathetic nervous system, which triggers the body's fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response, is in overdrive for most of us in the modern workplace. Originally meant to respond to acute physical threats, this system is now frequently activated by everyday stressors like work deadlines, traffic jams, or challenging meetings. Chronic activation of this stress response can lead to a range of health issues, including cardiovascular problems, weakened immune response, and metabolic disturbances. Modern life demands constant vigilance and quick responses, often taxing our nervous system beyond its evolutionary design.


Based on years of running reset experiences that turn the traditional retreat model on its head, we have created the ultimate Reset YOU Guidebook — a companion for self-authorship: deciding how you want to grow your inner capability for the long-term, and taking the time to build these skills with embodied awareness.

The new foundher. Reset YOU Guidebook offers practices, prompts and insights to get you DOing and BEing your best more often. 

Underpinned by our leading Ripple Effect Framework™, it will help you reflect, learn, and reset healthier habits for self-care on a daily basis. The alternative? Staying stuck with the same habits and ways of working that are...well, not working for you.

At foundher., we want to support you to take intelligent action towards your goals. And one of the most crucial parts of living a life on your own terms is not just focusing on what you need to *do*, but who you need to be in order to get there.

Want to learn how to reset each season, and create a more sustainable change of pace? Learn about our signature program Sustainable PACE, or join the foundher. ‘31 for 365’ New Year Planning method in January and set yourself up for your best year yet.