Sustainable PACE
Redefine your version of high performance.

Elana Robertson, Founder + Change Curator

Elana Robertson, Founder + Leadership Performance Coach

What I know is that success can’t be set on autopilot by following someone else’s simple steps.

If you want to build new levels of success, your actions and ways of being must be different. 

This program is a simple yet powerful productivity framework and method developed to guide you step by step through the process of designing your own rhythm for success and high performance.

A rhythm fit for changing worlds and external demands. One that allows you to create success in a way that matters — a way that fits and works for you.



Over the years I have signed up and participated in many personal and professional development courses, the result of which is usually “well chapter 2 and chapter 18 were helpful, there might be some things I can take out of that and try”.

Hand on heart, your program, insights and techniques are the only ones that have changed the way I think feel and act.



Here’s something you inherently know:

Your current operating mode?

It’s unsustainable. And it isn’t bringing you any closer to your goals. 

And in case you’re starting to wonder whether or not it’s time for an upgrade?

I’m here to tell you – yes, it is.

Sustainable PACE is a live program that shows you how to create your own rhythm.
Not just high performance, but sustainable performance.

Across 8 weeks, you’ll learn how to shift gears from never having enough time and always playing catch-up to embracing your own purposeful, powerful and sustainable pace. Unlock your capacity for high performance and step into a success rhythm that will support your ongoing momentum to thrive in our complex world.

With practical lessons, hands-on learning and science-backed approaches, you’ll walk away from this program with an upgrade to the most important operating system of all – YOU.

Ready for a change of pace?


While we can’t control what the world throws at us,
we can decide how we respond to what it throws our way.

Sustainable PACE is offered three times per year! Our next intake for PACE starts July.

PACE is Live and highly personalised for each participant. Sign up to the waitlist below to receive program updates and our waitlist-only offers.

If you are ready to find out more, please head on over to our enrolment page here.
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