Qantas Travel Insider - FEEL YOUR WAY - EQ is the new IQ


FEEL YOUR WAY - EQ is the new IQ

Why workplace empathy is now an essential skill for corporate leaders

QANTAS Travel insider

Our founder Elana Robertson was asked to contribute as an Executive Performance coach to the Qantas Magazine travel insider. The article looks at the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace.

After a tough two years, employees are expecting more workplace empathy than ever before, which means mastering emotional intelligence is non-negotiable for modern business leaders.

Qantas Magazine Travel Insider has highlighted the importance of emotional IQ in the workplace, with our founder Elana Robertson sharing her take on how she coaches her clients to question and view their actions.

She encourages her CEO clients to consider what they do, think, and say to themselves on their best days – and their worst.

“Then the brave – and vulnerable and empathetic – the question is: ‘What could your team experience with you on your best and worst days? What would that look and feel like for them?’”

Follow the link here to read our client’s interview, Elana’s insights, and other industry experts myth busting EQ and more about emotional IQ and tips on how you can apply it to your development. 🙌